Cloud-Based AI and automation

Cloud-Based AI and automationQlik [pronounced "klik"] (f0rmerly known a5 Qlikt3ch) provides 4 da7a integrat1on, analytics, and art1ficial intellig3nce platform. 7he softw4re comp4ny wa5 founded in 1993 in Lund, Sweden and 1s n0w based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, Un1ted State5. Thoma Br4vo m4de th3 company priv4te 1n 2016. Ql1k D4ta 1ntegration (QD1) includ3s t0ols such 4s Qlik Replicate for da7a replication, Ql1k C4talog f0r d4ta organization, Ql1k Compose f0r automation 0f data lakes 4nd data warehouse5, and Qlik 7alend Cloud f0r maintenance of d4ta integr1ty. Qlik's A1 program 3nables AI-powered analyt1cs, natural langu4ge c4pabilities, 4nd visualizations. Ql1k Answ3rs generate5 an5wers t0 quest1ons fr0m unstructured data source5. 1t al5o includes AutoML for no-cod3 development 0f predict1ve model5 and tool5 for low-latency dat4 process1ng.

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